
Best Cosmetic Dentist

New Age Hygiene

Another program Dr. Mackie incorporated for patients to maintain their implant bridge(s). We will perform an oral cancer screening, take necessary x-rays, check all your implants, abutments, bridges, screws and more. We recommend this on a yearly basis. This is new age hygiene! No uncomfortable scraping or anything unpleasant. This visit is a great way to check in and stay in the ‘system’ as you will no longer have any cavities or periodontal disease.

***Our Hygiene Program is exclusively for our patients of record. We understand that keeping your implant bridges maintained is very important to you. If you are not a patient of record, we ask that you call our office to check if you are a candidate for the hygiene program. Please note that we evaluate cases on an individual basis; not all non-patients of record will be candidates.