Full Mouth

Porcelein Veneers

Best Las Vegas Dentist Implant Center

A complete smile makeover in ONE visit

What is full mouth reconstruction?

As the name implies, full mouth reconstruction refers to rebuilding and/or replacing all of the teeth in a patient’s mouth. Full mouth reconstructions combine esthetics with the science of restorative dentistry to improve the health, function, and beauty of the mouth.

There are a number of people who have dental problems throughout their mouths that must be treated comprehensively with a vision of a final result that improves both function and esthetics. These patients may exhibit multiple missing teeth, numerous teeth with large fillings that are failing or exhibiting decay, cracked or broken teeth, or badly worn teeth due to bruxism (teeth grinding) or other habits.

There is also a group of patients who were born with conditions such as Ectodermal Dysplasia, Amelogenesis, or Dentinogenesis Imperfecta that will need extensive restoration of their teeth. These patients may be candidates for a full mouth reconstruction.

Are porcelain veneers right for me?

The procedures of full mouth crowns and/or veneers will essentially provide not only a "smile makeover", but improved chewing efficiency for the patient.

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